If you have a question that has not been addressed here please email it to marketing@healthintergrp.com
Health International has 3 plans:
Diamond Plan – USD2 Million Per Member, Per Annum
Emerald Plan – USD1 Million Per Member, Per Annum
Garnet Evac PLUS – USD250,000 Per Member, Per Annum
(Annual Worldwide Travel Plan suited to the Frequent Traveler. Garnet Plan must be purchased in conjunction with either a Diamond or Emerald Plan)
Health International premiums are age-banded e.g. (0-17yrs; 18-23yrs; 24-29yrs etc.) For a personal quotation, please either complete an online quote request from here or request a quotation from your Health International Agent or you may email the Regional Head Office on marketing@healthintergrp.com
Please complete a Health International application form and send it to marketing@healthintergrp.com or submit via your Health International Agent. Approval by the Medical Director takes 3 to 5 working days. Download a New Application form here.
Health International respectfully requests that all applicants provide FULL AND COMPLETE disclosure of their medical history when completing an Application Form. The Medical Director will decide what is or is not pertinent and will request further information if necessary. Non-Disclosure of Medical History may lead to non-payment of claims or cancellation of policy. All information provided by applicants is treated in the strictest confidence.
Download a New Application Form here.
Once your application form has been approved by the Medical Director of Health International, this takes +/- 5 working days, membership commences on receipt of payment.
Membership with Health International is for an indefinite period; however, members are required to complete an Annual Information Update Form every 12 months when paying their annual premium.
Residents of Botswana, D.R.C., Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, R.S.A., eSwatini, Zambia and Zimbabwe are eligible for Health International Membership.
You will be covered in your Southern Africa Country of Residence and for unlimited short-term trips (maximum 90 days per trip) into Sub-Saharan Africa.
Sub-Saharan Africa means the Sub-Saharan African continent SOUTH of the 15 degree NORTH latitude.
Members may apply for 90 days travel worldwide per SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD. The first 21 days of travel cover are complimentary on the Diamond Plan but may not include travel to USA / Canada. Travel Cover is limited to USD 250,000 per MEMBER, per SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD on the Diamond Plan and USD100 000 on the Emerald Plan. Travel to USA / Canada is limited to a max of 30 days per SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD.
Health International Members are able to add direct family members (aged 40 years and below), i.e. direct family visiting or students returning home for vacations, on SHORT-TERM ACCIDENT and EMERGENCY ONLY cover. Full details of requirements and costs are available from your Health International Agent or Regional Office.
NO. Health International will only ever decline membership due to a fraudulent claim or non-disclosure of material facts.
After approval and payment, all Health International Members receive a Membership Pack consisting of:
Membership card/s, Certificate/s of Insurance, Z-Folder (reflecting additional Emergency Numbers for the Region and World-Wide), 24hr Case Management Card and Emergency Numbers, Membership Guide and Health International Car Stickers reflecting Regional emergency numbers.
Family Members under the age of 18 must be on the same level of cover as the principal member.
Once a membership has been finalised and cover has commenced no change is permitted during current subscription period, however at annual update / renewal a member may change membership plan.
In the case where a Member has an ongoing claim a change of plan will not be permitted until the claim has been finalised and closed.
Please Note: Should a Member upgrade from the Emerald Plan to the Diamond Plan the 12 month prior to conception waiting period for the Pregnancy and Childbirth benefit will still apply.
YES, Health International members are encouraged to carry their cards on them at all times. Further, it is recommended that emergency numbers be saved in cell phones. Also important, is to advise family, friends and staff that you are on Health International and make them aware of the relevant Emergency Contact Numbers.
The member needs to advise their agent or Regional Office in writing or by electronic communications and a new card will be issued. You may email marketing@healthintergrp.com
Full cover is effective immediately. However, should there be a specific waiting period applicable to a Member this will be stated on his / her Certificate of Insurance.
The following Mandatory Waiting periods apply to NEW Members: –
Ladies – Age 40 years and over – Hysterectomy and related complications (24 Month Waiting Period)
Ladies and Gentlemen – Age 50 years and over – Any ELECTIVE major joint surgery (24 Month Waiting Period)
Please Note: Emergencies are in no way affected by the above Mandatory Waiting Periods.
HIV / AIDS Lifetime Limit for In-hospital treatment (24 Months Waiting Period)
Please Note: Should a Member upgrade from the Emerald Plan to the Diamond Plan, the 12-month waiting period prior to conception for the Pregnancy and Childbirth Benefit will still apply.
A pre-existing condition is an illness, injury or related medical condition, which you or any dependents have experienced symptoms of or received treatment, medication and advice or have had investigations for. Any illness or condition occurring between the time of signing and submitting your application to us may also be considered a pre-existing medical condition.
Some pre-existing conditions may be covered, at the discretion of the Medical Director, with either a waiting period or a loading.
A loading is a percentage of the annual premium for the relevant applicant which is agreed by the Underwriters when a condition/occupation has been assessed. On payment of the additional premium by the member, the condition / occupation is then covered and not excluded.
Extremely hazardous occupations such as, but not limited to, Oil Rig Deep Sea Divers or aeronautics are not covered on Health International Membership Plans.
Occupational Loadings are applied to the following occupations: – Pilots, Professional Hunters (Short Season) Construction Workers, Security Guards Using A Weapon, Sawmill Worker, Mining (Open Cast) – Mining (Underground), Photographic Safaris etc. Full details are available from your Agent or Regional Head Office.
A chronic condition is a disease, illness or injury that has at least one of the following characteristics: – It has no known cure and continues indefinitely, it reoccurs, it is permanent, it may require YOU to be specifically trained or rehabilitated, needs long-term monitoring, consultations, check-ups examinations or tests.
Should a member develop a Chronic Condition whilst a Member of Health International, the investigations and treatment for the condition will be covered to the point where the condition is stabilised and the Member is on routine medications, tests etc.
Once the chronic condition is stable, the member will be advised that the condition will be managed under a Chronic Lifetime Benefit of:
USD40,000 per Chronic Condition – Diamond Plan
USD15,000 per Chronic Condition – Emerald Plan
The related cost of tests, in-hospital procedures and any acute on chronic episodes will be covered under the Chronic Lifetime Benefit.
Routine check-up’s/consultations, drugs and dressings are not covered under the Chronic Lifetime Benefit.
Chronic Lifetime Benefits are best managed in conjunction with the Claims Department.
YES. Members will be covered for PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH up to USD7,500 on the Diamond Plan and for Childbirth ONLY for up to US3 500 on the Emerald Plan per any one Member in any one Membership Year.
Members are required to notify Health International of the pregnancy PRIOR to the end of the 2nd trimester.
Not covered if conception is within 12 months from the date of new membership or from date of upgrade to the Diamond Membership Plan from the Emerald Plan.
Complications during pregnancy which directly affect the health of the mother or child, or both, and may become life threatening will be covered up to USD30,000 on the Diamond Plan and USD15,000 on the Emerald Plan.
YES. Members have NEWBORN BENEFIT cover of up to USD50,000 (Per Birth) on the Diamond Plan and USD 30 000 on the Emerald Plan. The Newborn Benefit runs in conjunction with the Pregnancy and Childbirth Benefit and is only applicable if conception followed the 12-month waiting period from date of new membership.
The Newborn Benefit covers the IN-PATIENT treatment of acute illness which presents symptoms at birth or which manifests within 14 days on the Emerald Plan and 60 days on the Diamond Plan following birth depending on the plan you are on. To include hospital accommodation costs for the maternal parent while the baby receives treatment.
Members are required to PRE-REGISTER their expected baby for NEWBORN BENEFIT by making payment of a full annual premium for the baby PRIOR to the birth and submitting a completed Addition of Baby Form.
Parents of the newborn are also required to provide Health International with a Baby Wellness letter from the Specialist / Doctor following the birth. As well as a copy of baby’s birth certificate and passport once they become available.
Yes, the HIV/AIDS Benefit covers IN-PATIENT costs which arise from or are in any way related to HIV and/or HIV related illness, including AIDS or AIDS Related Complex Syndrome and/or any mutant derivative or variation thereof.
A 24-month waiting period for new members applies.
YES. Health International Members are covered for treatment aimed to cure cancer including IN-PATIENT, OUTPATIENT or DAY CASES from the time of diagnoses including all tests, drugs, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for as long as is medically necessary, including any secondaries or reoccurrences of primary cancers.
It is MANDATORY for Health International Members to seek pre-authorisation for any pre-planned Specialist referred treatments/procedures – ELECTIVES – by contacting your Health International Regional Office, or via your Agent.
Please note you will be required to provide a referral letter and a completed elective claim form for the Claims Department to pre-authorise your treatment / procedure.
In the event of an Emergency, Health International needs to be advised of the accident or illness as soon as possible and within 72 hours of the event.
YES, Health International Members are covered for medical treatment / procedures in R.S.A.
Members are required to make contact with The Claims Department for pre-authorisation and details on the R.S.A. protocols PRIOR to commencing consultations, treatments etc.
YES, Health International Membership Plans will cover the costs of an organ transplant with the aggregate BENEFITS directly or indirectly relating to an organ transplant being limited to: –
USD250,000 – Diamond Plan
USD100,000 – Emerald Plan
The costs related to harvesting a donor organ are not covered.
Participation in normal school / university / club sports as well as participation in Polo and Polo Cross are covered on the Health International Membership Plans.
Professional Sports, Dangerous Activities or Circumstances are NOT covered:
i.e. Racing of any kind (other than on foot); Off-Road Biking, Skydiving; Bungee Jumping; Scuba Diving (unless qualified and diving as an open water diver); Mountain Climbing; Micro lighting; Paragliding; Quad Biking; Gliding etc. – this list is a guideline.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions or preferably, discuss with your Agent or Regional Head Office.
On application, a loading may be applied to cover for the following:
BMX / Karting / Moto-X. / Enduro, Downhill Mountain Biking – please discuss with your Agent or The Regional Office.
IMPORTANT: Members are required to make full declaration of any hazardous recreational pastime/s:
- On Application for Membership
- On their Annual Information Update Form
- Via their Agent or Regional Office in the event of a “one-off”activity
YES, Health International Plans cover general winter sports, however any dangerous sports are not included for example; off piste virgin snow skiing or snowboarding. Members are required to purchase Travel Top-Up Days for cover abroad.
General dentistry and orthodontic treatments are NOT covered by Health International. However, Health International will cover treatment for the immediate relief of dental pain up to a maximum of USD250 per member, per annum.
It should be noted that dental treatment relating to accidental damage to teeth is fully covered.
Extraction of impacted wisdom teeth is also covered, please seek pre-authorisation.
NO, Health International Plans do not cover routine G.P visits, Dentistry or optical visits, as well as routine annual check-ups. These claims should be submitted to your local Medical Aid.
YES, you may cancel your Membership by notifying either the Regional Head Office or your Health International Agent, in writing. A refund will be calculated, less an administrative handling fee and provided no claims have been lodged against your policy during the current membership year.
Members need to advise the Regional Office or their Health International Agent in writing by letter, telephonically or electronic communication of their new contact details.
If you unknowingly find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, your policy will cover you. However, if you knowingly put yourself at risk you will not be covered, i.e. political riots.
If a condition is diagnosed during a Wellness check that leads to further investigations, Health International, at the discretion of the Medical Director, will refund to the member the cost of the Wellness investigations, up to maximum of USD500 per membership year.
Specialist referred treatment following a Wellness Check will be covered and must be pre-authorised.
Health International Plans do NOT generally cover the cost of Member’s airfares for ELECTIVE treatment/procedures. However, all Emergency Evacuations are fully covered, as well as repatriation to country of residence post treatment.
Also covered, at the discretion of the Medical Director, is the Member’s return airfare to Johannesburg for MEDICALLY NECESSARY treatment.
The costs of Member’s airfares for FOLLOW-UP visits to Specialists in South Africa are NOT covered.